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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

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Folder: Main Menu

Manuals and Overviews of Reentry and Collateral Consequences

General information on reentry & collateral consequences, as well as training materials for judges.

Criminal Process Overview

General overview of the criminal process, from arrest to reentry including information on posting bail and what to expect post-arrest.

Criminal Records

Resources for advocates on criminal record sealing, rap sheets, juvenile records, Certificate of Relief from Disabilities and Certificate of Good Conduct.

Employment, Licensing & Military

Resources related to employment consequences. Includes job-search guides, guidelines for specific fields, training resources, relevant laws and policies, and sample letters to employers, briefs, and motions.


Practice materials for attorneys and self-help materials for individuals facing immigration issues related to criminal justice involvement.

Housing & Shelter

Information and tools on housing including resources for appealing denials of public housing, drug holdover proceedings, statutes and case decisions


Resources related to education including information on Superintendant's Suspensions; obtaining independent student status in NYC; classes for people in prison; and continuing education after release.

Sentencing, Probation and Parole

Resources on the Rockefeller Drug Laws, the Sex Offender Management and Treatment Act of 2007, and information for individuals released on parole.

Family Issues & Reunification

Practical resources on problems related to Paternity, Custody & Visitation, Child Support, and the State Central Registry.

Vital Documents

Information on obtain vital documents such as birth certificates, Social Security cards, and government-issued I.D.

HIV, Health & Disability

Resources on HIV, Health, and Disability specifically for people with criminal records, including an Outline of HIV-Related Benefits, an analysis of Healthcare in New York Prisons, and training materials on health-care advocacy.

Prisoners' Rights and Police Misconduct

Information on police misconduct and prisoner's rights for the general population as well as the transgendered community.

Voting, Jury Service & Census

Practical resources on voting, jury services, and census counts for people in the criminal justice system.

Reentry Net/NY Monthly Mailings Archive

Past mailings of Reentry Net's monthly e-newsletter - Resource Updates & Highlights.




Pro Bono and legal aid attorney resources - Pro Bono Net