Reentry Resource Center - New York

Reentry Net/NY
Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration
July 2012 Resource Updates and Highlights

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a member of the New York State Reentry Resource Center, a network of more than 3,000 advocates and direct service providers from all around the state. Each month, we bring you resource highlights, news, and policy updates from the online resource center.

*Resource Highlights*

Criminal Justice Debt: A Toolkit For Action - Criminal Justice Debt: A Toolkit for Action examines the myriad problems that criminal justice debt collection policies create for the individuals in the criminal justice system, the communities they reside in, and the states who attempt to make money off of them. The report also analyzes the impact these charges have had on the states that attempt to collect fees from people who cannot pay them. The authors propose areas that advocates can target for reform, and present action materials that advocates can use to build a successful campaign to fight for more just policies.

Strategies For Engaging Students Involved With The Criminal Justice System - The New York Reentry Education Network (NYREN) has released a new toolkit for engaging students involved in the criminal justice system. The toolkit is useful as an educational device that transforms the trajectories of individuals, families, and communities involved with the system. This guide was developed to foster knowledge- sharing and collaboration among educators, program administrators, academics and policymakers committed to improving educational attainment among reentering students. Find out more information here.

In Search of a Job: Criminal Records as Barriers to Employment - For the nearly one-third of Americans who have been convicted of a crime, finding a job can prove to be difficult. As Amy L. Solomon writes, "The majority of employers indicate that they would 'probably' or 'definitely' not be willing to hire an applicant with a criminal record." Research shows that prior convictions do not increase the chances of rearrest after a certain period of time of "staying clean." 

Insecure Communities: Examining Local Government Participation in US Immigration and Customs Enforcement's "Secure Communities" Program - University of California, Davis School of Law faculty member Rachel R. Ray analyzes the "Secure Communities" program, a policy that authorizes the fingerprints of any arrestee to be sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. She establishes the destructive nature of the program and advocates for changes by the federal government.

An Interactive Map Detailing Stop and Frisks In NYC in 2011 - WNYC published a map that details where each stop and frisk took place. Forbes magazine compared the stop and frisks to the ethnic and racial makeup of the locations in which the frisks took place.

Reentry Service & Resource Directory GuidesThis page features reentry resource guides for returning residents in various counties including Upper Manhattan, Bronx, BrooklynWestchester, the Hudson ValleyUlster County.


Visit Reentry Net/NY Issue Modules: Padilla Compliance Guide | People's GuideEmployment & Licensing Housing | Discharge Planning - These modules serve as a starting point for accessing the resources available on Reentry Net, and direct users the most useful and frequently accessed resources from the Library.

Remember to visit our Monthly Mailing Archive for highlighted reports, toolkits, and training materials from the past year.

*Opportunities in the Field*

S.O.S South Bronx Program Director and Program Manager: The Center for Court Innovation is seeking qualified applicants for the Save Our Streets (S.O.S) program in the South Bronx.  

*Upcoming Events*

July 23: Broadway Stands Up For Freedom - Hosted by the New York Civil Liberties Union, Broadway Stands Up For Freedom--now in its 10th year--is an event to support the youth programs of the NYCLU. The director is Daniel Goldstein (Godspell) and the Musical Director and Host is Seth Rudetsky. The event will be held at the Skirball Center for the Performing Arts at 7:30PM. 

July 24: Webinar: The What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse: A New Tool For Understanding Reentry Research - This webinar will provide a guided tour of the Clearinghouse, a program that offers easy, online access to important research on the effectiveness of a wide variety of reentry programs and practices. It provides a user-friendly, web-based, one-stop shop for practitioners and service providers seeking guidance on evidence-based reentry interventions, as well as an invaluable resource for researchers and others interested in reentry. The webinar will be held at 2:00PM. Registration is required: Click here to register.

July 30: Prisoners Are People Too, Inc., Community Education Meeting - Join Circle of Support for Reformed Offenders for a monthly community education meeting, featuring documentary film, guest speaker(s), networking, and action organizing. The meeting will be held at 6:30PM.

August 3: Seminar and Webcast of PLI's Seminar on Prison Law - Join Practicing Law Institute for a day-long seminar on prison law. The third annual program will address the legal framework for civil litigation filed on behalf of prisoners and is geared towards prisoners' rights advocates working in law or public policy, in the private or public sector. Some scholarships are available for those who qualify.

August 6: Change the NYPD! A Bronx Town Hall - Join the Bronx Defenders, Picture the Homeless, and the Justice Committee in an event sponsored by Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) to advocate for a change in NYPD's policing practices. The Town Hall will be held at Hostos Community College at 6:00PM. For more information, contact


Visit the Reentry Net/NY Calendar to view more events. Click here to subscribe to our Calendar's RSS feed.

Remember to visit Reentry Net for full calendar listings and  new job opportunities!

Reentry Net/NY
860 Courtlandt Avenue
Bronx, NY 10451
(718) 838-7878

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 If you would like to submit resources for inclusion in our library, please contact Dawit Getachew (


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