Research and Policy Library
This folder has information, proposed legislation, and campaign materials for legislation and policy specific to New York State.
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Charting a New Course: A Blueprint for Transforming Juvenile Justice in New York State (Task Force for Transforming Juvenile Justice )
New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers(NYSACDL) Supports Parole Reform (Center for Community Alternatives)
New York State Statistics Website
Preliminary Analysis of Proposed 2011-2012 Executive Budget (Legal Action Center)
Analysis of 2009-10 New York State Executive Budget (Center for Community Alternatives)
The Future of Sentencing in New York State: Recommendations for Reform
The Future of Sentencing in New York State: A Preliminary Proposal for Reform
New York State Commission on Sentencing Reform
*NEW* Report and Recommendations to New York State on Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Formerly Incarcerated People
Addressing Key Criminal Justice Issues in the 21st Century (Correctional Association of New York - Feb. 2007)
*NEW* Impacts of Jail Expansion in New York State: A Hidden Burden
NYCLA Report: Collateral Consequences of Non-Criminal Adjudications
Re-Entry and Reintegration: The Road to Public Safety - Report and Recommendations of the New York State Bar Association Special Committee on Collateral Consequences of Criminal Proceedings
Interfaith Coalition of Advocates for Reentry and Employment (ICARE)