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Preliminary Analysis of Proposed 2011-2012 Executive Budget (Legal Action Center)

  • Organization: Legal Action Center
  • Date Created: Thursday, February 03, 2011
  • Submitted: Monday, February 07, 2011
  • Attachment(s): LINK

Governor Andrew Cuomo introduced his first executive budget, which covers the 2011-2012 fiscal year. The state faces budget gaps of $10 billion in 2011-12, $15.3 billion in 2012-13, $17.9 billion in 2013-14, and $21.4 billion in 2014-15. The proposed overall state budget for FY 2012 is $132.9 billion and contains a reduction of $3.7 billion, or 2.7%.

The following analysis provides detail on Governor Cuomo's budget proposals in the areas of Criminal Justice, Drug and Alcohol and HIV/AIDS, including charts and commentary from the governor's budget.

A few highlights:

• Cuts in state spending to the two biggest state budget items, education and Medicaid;
• Mergers and consolidations of state agencies (notably in criminal justice);
• Reform of state spending on education;
• Reform of the Medicaid program;
• Review of state mandates that impose costs on local governments and other entities; and
• Overall cuts of 10% to state operations (agencies will be expected to reduce operations by this
amount, with layoffs a possibility).

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