What is the difference betweenReentry Netand
Reentry Net is a national website. It will serve as a gateway, linking users to statewide resources centers. Through its library, it will also serve as a free, public clearinghouse of research and policy analysis on reentry issues. This national library is not password protected.
Reentry Net / NYis the New York State Reentry Resource Center for advocates. It is the first ever clearinghouse of practicalmaterials for daily use by advocates who work with people with criminal records and their families. The New York State library is free but protected by a password.
Who created Reentry Net?
Reentry Net and are joint projects of Pro Bono Net and the Bronx Defenders, but are made possible by many sponsoring and contributing organizations and individuals. See our About page for listings of our steering committee and project partners.
How do I get a password Reentry Net/NY?
You may register for your free membership and get a password by clicking here
How do I use the library and features?
Click here forinstructions on how to use the online library
Click here for tips onsearching the site
I Still Have Questions
Questions, comments, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. Contact Reentry Net Coordinator Kate Rubin,