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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Past Resources of the Week

ROTW: End the Abuse: Protecting LGBTI Prisoners from Sexual Assault

Monday, February 10, 2014

In 2012, the Department of Justice released the final federal regulations implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). These regulations apply to federal, state and local correctional facilities and lock-ups and include landmark protections for LGBTI individuals. However, despite-or likely because of-the decade-long process leading up to the passage of the final regulations, much confusion remains about how to best leverage PREA's protections to protect the most vulnerable people in custody.
Advocacy and outside pressure are especially important to ensure the success of PREA, and can make an enormous difference for the safety and security of all prisoners. This four-part toolkit, published by the american Civil Liberties Union, is designed for advocates both in and outside of correctional settings to use PREA's requirements to end the abuse of LGBTI individuals. As federal, state and local agencies reassess their policies and practices to come into compliance with PREA's requirements, there may be room for advocates to demand meaningful change.