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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Past Resources of the Week

ROTW: 100 Days for America's Workers: Policies to Jump-start a Living Wage Recovery

Monday, January 14, 2013

Putting America's workers front and center on the federal policy agenda requires that we get serious about the urgent jobs crisis facing the nation. Simply put, we do not have enough jobs for all who want and need to work, and increasingly, our jobs do not pay the living wages and provide the benefits needed for a recovery that extends economic security and opportunity to all of America's workers. The jobs crisis is already devastating millions of working families while keeping the economy weak, and unless we intervene now, it promises to reap dividends of despair in the future too. In this document, NELP lays out five straightforward and concrete policy proposals for the first 100 days of the new term-100 Days for America's Workers-that will improve the lives of millions, while giving the economy a sustained boost.