How to Help: When a Person with Mental Illness Goes to Prison (Urban Justice Center’s Mental Health Project and the National Alliance on Mental Illness)
- Organization: Urban Justice Center’s Mental Health Project (MHP) and the National Alliance on Mental Illness
- Document Type: Brief/Motion Papers
- Date Created: Tuesday, September 21, 2010
- Submitted: Tuesday, September 21, 2010
- Attachment(s): LINK
This guide by The Urban Justice Center's Mental Health Project (MHP) and the National Alliance on Mental Illness - New York State provides comprehensive information about the New York State prison mental health system and contains suggestions for supporting people with psychiatric disabilities in prison. The guide describes the services currently available for people with mental illness in prison as well as reforms related to disciplinary confinement, which take effect in July 2011. It explains how family members can best advocate for their loved ones to receive mental health treatment while in prison and assistance preparing for their release back to the community. It also includes information about how family members can get support for themselves and become involved in larger advocacy efforts to combat the criminalization of mental illness.