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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

New York State Attorney General Opinion: May individuals with domestic violence convictions be appointed as peace officers?

  • Organization: New York State Office of the Attorney General
  • Document Type: Case law/admin decisions
  • Date Created: Thursday, July 30, 1998
  • Submitted: Monday, August 14, 2006
  • Attachment(s): PDF

Formal opinion of the New York State Attorney General in response to a query from the Deputy Commissioner of the Division of Criminal Justice Services on whether persons convicted of State felonies or misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence may be appointed as peace officers (police officers) or whether their convictions preclude such appointments because they are prohibited from possessing firearms under the Federal Gun Control Act and/or State law.

Citation: 1998 N.Y. Op. Atty. Gen 23, 1998 WL 643362 (NYAG)
Formal Opinion No. 98-F8

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