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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Know Your Rights! Understanding Juvenile & Criminal Records and Their Impact on Employment in New York State (Legal Action Center)

  • Organization: National H.I.R.E. Network of the Legal Action Center
  • Date Created: Sunday, April 26, 2009
  • Submitted: Wednesday, April 26, 2006
  • Attachment(s): LINK

Established by the Legal Action Center, the National HIRE Network (Helping Individuals with criminal records Reenter through Employment) is both a national clearinghouse for information and an advocate for policy change to promote policies and employment practices that enable qualified people who have criminal records to obtain and retain employment. This past year, HIRE created a Youth Reentry project that provides technical assistance, information and advocacy tools to youth and those who work with them to address the unique employment barriers faced by young people with conviction records.

With this in mind, this booklet was written to educate young people like yourself who have been involved in the New York State juvenile or criminal justice system. It explains some of the challenges you might face when you look for a job and what you can do to lessen, or in some cases remove, some of those barriers. The booklet highlights some of New York's laws that you should be aware of when looking or applying for a job, such as what type of employers can get your rap sheet, how to get and correct your rap sheet, what you must legally disclose about your criminal history on a job application or in an interview, and what type of criminal records can be sealed. Our hope is that the information inside will give you and those who work with you some of the tools you need to successfully enter and remain in the workforce.

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