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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Criminal Records and Licensing for Specific Careers

This section includes information about how past involvement with the criminal justice system may or may not affect one's ability to gain employment in certain careers. For even more detailed legal information about the impact of a criminal record upon employment in specific careers--including healthcare, security guard, childcare, education licensing/Department of Education, Transportation and TSA--please refer to the Employment, Licensing and Agency-Level Denials library folder.


2006 New York State Occupational Licensing Survey (Legal Action Center)

A comprehensive list of the restrictions placed on licensure of individuals with criminal records and about the procedures available to appeal a denial of licensure, registration, or certification based on criminal history.

Reference Chart for Healthcare Agency Criminal History Background Checks for Applicants for Employment in Home Health Care (Legal Action Center)

Background check procedures for applicants to various healthcare agencies.

US Navy and Marine Corps: Criminal History Disqualifications

Overview of the impact of criminal history and records on eligibility for the Navy and Marine Corps.

Department of Education Policy for Arrested Employees

This memo from Chancellor Joel Klein clarifies the responsibilities of different offices within the
Department of Education to investigate the circumstances of employees and other persons
working for the Department who are arrested. It also contains information on background checks for job applicants.

Commercial Drivers' License Guidelines

Guidelines and restrictions for obtaining a commercial drivers' license in New York State.

A Worker's Guide to the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Application, Appeal and Waiver Process

An overview of the Transportation Security Administration's background check process for the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), focusing primarily on the criminal record portion of the background check.