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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Additional Training Resources for Planners

The field of reentry brings together a number of disciplines to address the issues facing formerly incarcerated individuals upon their release.

Currently, there are trainings and education materials available to individuals who work with the formerly incarcerated population; however, they typically focus on one specific area such as substance abuse treatment, accessing government entitlements like food stamps and Medicaid, and understanding the criminal justice system or one specific population--individuals coming home from jails, prison, or with mental health problems, for example.

This section provides links to professional development information and opportunities that are currently available to individuals working in the reentry field. Some resources will be issue- and population-specific while others will be broad and pertinent to individuals working with individuals being released from jails and state or federal prisons.


Technical Assistance for CBOs

Community Service Society's resource center on public benefits.

Jail Administrator's Toolkit

Collaborative report with policy recommendations aimed at smoothing the reentry process.