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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration


Non-citizens can face severe immigration consequences from any contact with the criminal justice system, even simple arrest. If your client has been arrested and is not a US citizen, make sure to get any information about immigration issues from the defense attorney. The Immigrant Defense Project provides excellent resources for attorneys and clients.


Immigrant Defense Project

A link to the website of the Immigrant Defense Project, an organization that defends the legal, constitutional and human rights of immigrants facing criminal or deportation charges.

The Consequences of Criminal Charges: A Reentry Perspective (Immigrant Defense Project)

Link to a document on the consequences that face immigrants with criminal charges.

Immigrants & Pleas in Problem-Solving Courts: A Guide for Noncitizen Defendants & Their Advocates (Immigrant Defense Project)

A guide on advocating on behalf of noncitizens in court.