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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Public Benefits

New York does not participate in the "welfare ban" for people convicted of drug offenses--New York State residents can apply for and receive government benefits like Food Stamps, Medicaid, TANF and cash assistance, no matter how many convictions they may have on their rap sheets.

However, arrest and incarceration can temporarily affect government benefits in New York State. If your client's benefits have been terminated because of a warrant - either an arrest warrant or a Probation/Parole warrant - notify a legal services attorney.

For more information, visit the Public Benefits folder in the Reentry Net/NY library.


Applying for Public Assistance at a Job Center

How-to guide to applying for public assistance.

Discharge Planning Services For Inmates Who are Receiving Mental Health Treatment in a New York City Jail (Urban Justice Center, Brad H)

Information for dicharge planners on mental health treatment in new york city jails.