Research and Policy Library
Relief From The Collateral Consequences Of A Criminal Conviction: A State-By-State Resource Guide (by Margaret Colgate Love)
- Organization: Margaret Colgate Love
- Author: Margaret Colgate Love
- Document Type: Report
- Date Created: Monday, December 05, 2005
- Submitted: Monday, December 05, 2005
- Attachment(s): LINK
This comprehensive survey describes for each United States jurisdiction the laws and practices relating to restoration of rights and obtaining relief from the collateral disabilities and penalties that accompany a criminal conviction. It is the first-of-its-kind, and it illustrates the extraordinary variety and complexity of state and federal laws that impose a continuing burden on convicted persons long after the court-imposed sentence has been fully discharged. It is an important resource for policymakers interested in reentry and reintegration, for practitioners at all levels of the criminal justice system, and for people with a criminal record who are seeking to put their past behind them.