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Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Enhancing Linkages to HIV Primary Care and Services in Jail Setting Initiative: Transitional Care Coordination

  • Organization: Enhancing Linkages to HIV Primary Care and Services in Jail Settings Initiative
  • Date Created: Thursday, January 27, 2011
  • Submitted: Monday, February 14, 2011
  • Attachment(s): LINK

This policy brief describes the transitional care coordination process for people living with HIV in correctional settings, reviews its potential impact on continuity of care, and suggests steps for initiating an appropriate program. By using existing resources, leveraging available funding, and building collaborations, such a program can enhance continuity of care for persons with HIV leaving jails, leading to improved health outcomes and a positive impact on community public health. Leadership for this approach may come from jail administrators, local health departments, correctional health providers, community health providers, AIDS service organizations, and other community organizations committed to working with the formerly incarcerated.

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