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Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Correctional Industries Preparing Inmates for Reentry: Recidivism and Post-Release Employment

  • Organization: National Institute of Justice
  • Document Type: Report
  • Date Created: Wednesday, May 10, 2006
  • Submitted: Thursday, August 10, 2006
  • Attachment(s): PDF | HTM

This project began in 2000 as a potential solution to the dearth of policy research needed by the advocates for and against correctional industries. The seeds were planted at the National Correctional Industries Association (NCIA) headquarters under the direction of Gwyn Smith-Ingley, Executive Director. Our gratitude extends to her and her staff for the tireless support and advocacy for this research. Additionally, the NCIA's Research Advisory Board was instrumental in the design and strategy of the research. Although each member contributed significantly, Derral Cheatwood, Ph.D. was particularly instrumental in developing the ideas of the Board into a draft research plan. This plan was supported and advanced in the respective disciplines by each of the Board members; Patrick Henry, Ph.D., Representative Ray Allen (R-Tx), Jeffrey Merrill, Jeri Houchins, Thomas Petersik, Ph.D., and Tim Mann, Ph.D. In addition, Barbara Auerbach provided wisdom based on her many years of consulting in the field of correctional industries.

Authors: Cindy J. Smith, Ph.D., Jennifer Bechtel, M.S., Angie Patrick, M.S., Richard R. Smith, Laura Wilson-Gentry, D.P.A.

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