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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

OTDA 97 ADM-23 - State "Fleeing Felon/ Probation/Parole Violation" Policies

  • Organization: NYS OTDA
  • Date Created: Tuesday, December 06, 2005
  • Attachment(s): PDF

97 ADM-23:Public Assistance (Family Assistance/Safety Net Assistance) Changes Resulting from The Welfare Reform Act of 1997

"Advises districts of the provisions of the welfare reform act and discusses the earned income disregard, absence of minor, intentional program violations, minor parents, aliens, sanction budgeting, requirements for screening, assessment and treatment for A/R with alcohol and/or substance abuse problems, and criminal matches."

Practical guidance for how social services districts process warrant and criminal checks and ineligibility determinations based on "fleeing felon" hits and probation/parole violations.

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