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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Coming Homes and No Place to Live: Understanding perceptions among public housing residents about the reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals to these locations (HCAP) (2011)

  • Organization: Harlem Community & Academic Partnership
  • Document Type: Report
  • Date Created: Monday, November 28, 2011
  • Attachment(s): PDF

Research study by Harlem Community & Academic Partnership's Policy Working Group (PWG) subcommittee explores NYCHA residents' perception on formerly incarcerated individuals in NYCHA.

PWG conducted focus groups with NYCHA residents exploring the following issues 1) their general awareness of housing access for those formerly incarcerated, 2) sources of such information, 3) perceived barriers to housing, and 4) community support for formerly incarcerated individuals to access stable housing.

PWAG observed a wide range of responses, however, it was generally agreed upon that formerly incarcerated individuals face tremendous challenges in reentry due to unavailability of affordable housing (as NYCHA is not a viable option for them in increasingly gentrified Harlem neighborhoods) and lack of community support system (as families in NYCHA housing cannot provide them practical and emotional support). Also observed was NYCHA residents' incomplete knowledge of NYCHA policies, often acquired through informal sources. Generally, residents expressed concern about NYCHA's current practices regarding formerly incarcerated individuals.

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