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Financial Consequences of Conviction (Feerick Center for Social Justice)
2005-2006 Conexiones: Una guia para ex-presidiarios a fuentes de informacion en la Ciudad de Nueva York
2005-2006 Connections and The Job Search
[Morrisania IV Associates v. Daniels] Civil Court, Bronx County holds that there is an exception to not using sealed records when the housing court case was filed prior to the sealing of the records (2014)
[Riverside Park Community LLC v Henderson] Civil Court, County of New York allows exception to exclusion of sealed records as they were sent from DA to petitioner prior to sealing
A Guide to the 2004 Rockefeller Drug Reform: Understanding the New Legislation (Center for Community Alternatives)
A.G. Schneiderman Announces Agreement With Party City To End Discrimination In Hiring Based On Criminal Records (2014)
Advocacy Toolkits Available from the Legal Action Center
American Immigration Law Foundation Practice Advisory: Judicial Review Provisions of the REAL ID Act
Basic Immigration Status Questionnaire
Boxed Out: Criminal History Screening and College Application Attrition (The Center for Community Alternatives) (2015)
Center for Employment Opportunities: Do's and Dont's of Job Development
Connections 2016: A guide for formerly incarcerated people in New York City
Consequences of Criminal Proceedings in New York State, April 2015 (The Bronx Defenders)
Defender Toolkit & Padilla Compliance Guide: Using Knowledge of “Enmeshed Penalties” (or Collateral Consequences) to Get Better Results in the Criminal Case (The Bronx Defenders)
Democracy Imprisoned: A Review of the Prevalence and Impact of Felony Disenfranchisement Laws in the United States (2013)
Directory of New York State Criminal Justice Agencies
Discharge Planning Screening Instruments
Discharge Planning Services For Inmates Who are Receiving Mental Health Treatment in a New York City Jail (Urban Justice Center, Brad H)
Drug Law Resentencing: Saving Tax Dollars with Minimal Community Risk (The Legal Aid Society) (2010)
Education from the Inside Out Video Diaries Campaign (2014)
Empire Justice Center: Disability Web Page
Felon Disenfranchisement: The Judiciary's Role in Renegotiating Racial Divisions (2012)
Guidelines for the Successful Transition of People with Behavioral Health Disorders from Jail and Prison
Homeless Rights Project: Know Your Rights! (Legal Aid Society) (2003)
How Can Criminal Convictions Affect My Immigration Status?
How Do You Apply for A Birth Certificate in New York City (The Door Legal Services, 2005)
How To File a Petition for Review (AILF’s Legal Action Center)
How to Help: When a Person with Mental Illness Goes to Prison (Urban Justice Center’s Mental Health Project and the National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Integrated Reentry and Employment Strategies: Reducing Recidivism and Promoting Job Readiness
Interfaith Coalition of Advocates for Reentry and Employment (ICARE)
Intersection of Fair Housing Laws/ADA and Criminal Activity Bars in Federally Assisted Housing (Monroe County Legal Assistance Center) (2010)
Legal Ambiguity in Managerial Assessments of Criminal Records
Legislative History of Article 23A and Certificates of Good Conduct of NYS Corrections Law
Medicaid and Financing Health Care for Individuals Involved with the Criminal Justice System
Motion to Dismiss Eviction in Housing Court Based use of Inadmissible Sealed Records (The Bronx Defenders)
New Sentencing Chart for Drug Offenses Under Rockefeller Drug Law Reform
New York City Affordable Housing Resources (City of New York)
New York State Statistics Website
NYC Civil Court Name Change Order Form (Urban Justice Center, 2005)
NYC Civil Court Name Change Petition (Urban Justice Center, 2005)
OATH/Krimstock Hearing Manual (The Bronx Defenders)
On Your Own Inside Cover and Contents
On Your Own Text
One Strike and You’re Out: How We Can Eliminate Barriers to Economic Security and Mobility for People with Criminal Records
Outline of HIV-Related Benefits (South Brooklyn Legal Services)
Property Return Procedures (The Bronx Defenders)
Re-Entry: Transitional Housing in Texas (You Tube)
Reentry Advocacy and Assistance For Clients With New York State Prison Sentences (Office of the Appellate Defender)
Sample Memo of Law in Opposition to Unsealing of Criminal Records in Housing Court (The Bronx Defenders)
Screening and Assessment for Adults in Discharge Planning (CASES / Vera Institute for Justice)
Second Chance Act of 2004: Full text of HR 4676
Second Chance Act of 2005: Full text of HR 1704
Services & Opportunities Flyer (Queers for Economic Justice)
State of N.Y. ex rel. Harkavy v Consilvio - 2nd Circuit Decision ruling holding that the state cannot use mental hygiene laws to confine individuals in psychiatric hospitals after prison terms end
Voices From the Box: Solitary Confinement at Rikers Island (Bronx Defenders 2014)
Your Right to Vote After a Criminal Conviction (Community Service Society) (2005)