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ACCESS NYC - online pre-screening for NYC public benefits
Civil Alternatives for Disposing of Criminal Proceedings of Defendants with Mental Disabilities (New York State Defenders Association)
Consequences of Criminal Proceedings in New York State, April 2015 (The Bronx Defenders)
Criminal Justice Mental Health Consensus Project
Discharge Planning Services For Inmates Who are Receiving Mental Health Treatment in a New York City Jail (Urban Justice Center, Brad H)
Discharge Planning Services for Inmates who are Receiving Mental Health Treatment in New York City Jails (Urban Justice Center)
Federal Benefits for People With Serious Mental Illness Who Have Been Incarcerated (Bazelon Center)
Flyer: contact Urban Justice Center with case examples
Fowlkes v. Adamec (2d Cir 2005)
Garnes v. Barnhart, C-02-4428 (ND Cal. Nov. 5, 2004)
Guidelines for the Successful Transition of People with Behavioral Health Disorders from Jail and Prison
Health Care Resources Page (NYS Online Resource Center)
How to Help: When a Person with Mental Illness Goes to Prison (Urban Justice Center’s Mental Health Project and the National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Interfaith Coalition of Advocates for Reentry and Employment (ICARE)
National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices
New York State Statistics Website
NYS/NYC Mental Health-Criminal Justice Panel Report (New York State Office of Mental Health)
OTDA 97 ADM-23 - State "Fleeing Felon/ Probation/Parole Violation" Policies
Police Interactions with Individuals in Psychiatric Crisis: A Briefing Prepared for Michael A. Cardozo Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (2002)
Re-Entry and Reintegration: The Road to Public Safety Report and Recommendations of the New York State Bar Association Special Committee on Collateral Consequences of Criminal Proceedings
Social Insecurity: How the Social Security Administration's "Fugitive Felon Program" Harms Disabled,Retired and Poor Americans Without Aiding Law Enforcement (Urban Justice Center, Mental Health Project)
State of N.Y. ex rel. Harkavy v Consilvio - 2nd Circuit Decision ruling holding that the state cannot use mental hygiene laws to confine individuals in psychiatric hospitals after prison terms end
The Solitary Confinement of Youth in New York: A Civil Rights Violation (2014)
Voices From the Box: Solitary Confinement at Rikers Island (Bronx Defenders 2014)