Homeless Shelter Use and Reincarceration Following Prison Release
- Organization: University of the Sciences of Philadelphia
- Author: Stephen Metraux
- Document Type: Report
- Date Created: Monday, March 01, 2004
- Submitted: Tuesday, October 04, 2005
- Attachment(s): PDF
This paper examines the incidence of and interrelationships between shelter use and reincarceration among a cohort of 48,424 persons who were released from New York State prisons to New York City 1995-1998. Results show that within two years of release, 11.4% of the study group entered a New York City homeless shelter and 32.8% of this group was again imprisoned. Using survival analysis methods, time since prison release and history of residential instability were the most salient risk factors related to shelter use, and shelter use increased the risk of subsequent reincarceration. By Stephen Metraux at the University of the Sciences in Pennsylvania and Dennis P. Culhane at the University of Pennsylvania.