New York State Supreme Court Decision Orders Proper Consideration of Certificate of Relief on Employment Application by the New York Police Department
- Organization: New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- Document Type: Case law/admin decisions
- Date Created: Tuesday, February 05, 2008
- Submitted: Tuesday, February 05, 2008
- Attachment(s): PDF
Langston v. City of New York:
Article 78 petition filed by Bruce Langston, who was denied by the NYPD after he failed to disclose his full criminal history on an application needed to secure an urban park ranger position.
Justice Joan A. Madden of Manhattan held that the NYPD did not "properly consider" the certificate of relief from disabilities, which creates a presumption of rehabilitation, when it denied Mr. Langston and ordered to remand his application. Click here to read the case decision.