You are receiving this newsletter because you are a member of the New York State Reentry Resource Center, a network of more than 2,000 advocates and direct service providers from all around the state. Each month, we bring you resource highlights, news, and policy updates from the online resource center.
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*Resource Highlights*
Housing Preservation & Development Reverses Decision Terminating Section 8 Based Lifetime Sex Offender Registry Requirements: HPD decision received by MFY Legal Services finds a Section 8 recipient who became subject to the lifetime sex offender registry requirements because of the 2006 change in law - but who was not required to register for life when granted Section 8 benefits in 2003 - should not have his Section 8 terminated because of the subsequent registration requirement. Click here to read the decision.
Do Reentry Courts Reduce Recidivism? Results from the Harlem Parole Reentry Court: Report by the Center for Court Innovation assessing the impact of the Harlem Parole Reentry Court, which provides intensive judicial oversight, supervision and services to new parolees during the first six months after release. The results show that the Reentry Court has had a positive impact in preventing new crimes as measured by rearrests and re-convictions, but participants have higher rates of revocation, particularly due to technical parole violations. The report also includes chapters on the state of reentry and the reentry court model. Click here to view report.
*Updated* Consequences of Criminal Proceedings in New York State: Updated guide by The Bronx Defenders for criminal defense attorneys and other advocates for persons with criminal records gives a comprehensive overview of collateral consequences, sanctions, and disqualifications due to criminal proceedings. The guide covers a broad range of hidden consequences on immigration, employment, housing, public benefits, student loans, and other issues. The guide also contains a section with resources on collateral consequences in New York State. Click here to download guide.
Collateral Consequences Calculator - New York State: Calculator developed by Columbia's Lawyering in the Digital Age Clinic and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning provides a preliminary overview of the collateral consequences associated with sections of the New York State Penal Law. The initial version of the calculator tracks the varied consequences of criminal charges in immigration and public housing eligibility in New York City. Note: This calculator cannot account for the specific circumstances of each defendant and is not designed to provide legal advice over the Internet. Click here to view the website.
Uncover the Truth Behind ICE and Police Collaboration Teach-in Toolkit: This toolkit is designed to help advocates get started in responding to Immigration and Customs Enforcement programs in their communities. It provides information on researching programs that are operating and how they work, asking questions of police and politicians, joining forces with allies, and following up with formal requests for information under federal and state law. Click here to download the toolkit.
Protecting Assests and Child Custody in the Face of Deportation: A Guide for Practitioners Assisting Immigrant Families: Manual by Appleseed summarizes several potential issues an individual may confront in the face of deportation, and outlines basic steps a person can take to secure their financial and parental right during this process. It is designed to aid direct service providers as they counsel their clients through proceedings and covers the following issues: Powers of attorney; Collecting unpaid wages; Bank accounts and cash; Cars, homes, and businesses; Government benefits and obligations; Assets held in a child's name; and Child custody. Click here to download manual.
FTC Fact for The Consumer - Credit Reports and Employment Background Checks: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, which enforces the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has issued this publication detailing the proper use of credit background checks as it relates to employment. It highlights key employment provisions in the FCRA including the legal obligations for an employer, job-seeker's rights, and the steps individuals can take if an employer doesn't comply with the FCRA. The publication also provides information about getting free credit reports from reporting agencies. Click here download the file.
Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) Implementation Toolkit: In response to the need for jurisdictions across the country to address the jail-to-community transition, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) partnered with the Urban Institute (UI) in 2007 to launch the Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) Initiative. TJC involves the development, implementation, and evaluation of a model for transitions from jail to the community. The TJC model represents an integrated, systemwide approach to delivering support and services to people released from jail. This web-based toolkit is designed to guide jurisdictions through implementation of the TJC model, in whole or in part. The toolkit serves as a hands-on resource for users interested in jail reentry, whether in a criminal justice or community-based organization. Click here to visit the website.
Remember to visit Past Resources of the Week for highlighted reports, toolkits, and training materials from the past year.
*Upcoming Events*
Statewide Advocacy Day to End Prison-Based Gerrymandering: Join The Statewide Coalition to End Prison-Based Gerrymandering in Albany to call on legislators to change how New York counts people in prison. The event will be held on Wednesday, June 2nd from 11:00AM to 4:00PM and will include full day of activities at the Well of the Legislative Office Building in Albany. For more information about the campaign and coalition, visit Click here to register to attend Advocacy Day(flyer). Upstate residents can also contact Kathleen Campbell at to arrange transportation. New York City residents can contact Jeremy Saunders at
Fortune Society's Community Partners Appreciation Day: The Fortune Society will be holding its second annual event celebrating community partners. The event will be held on June 1st from 5:00PM to 7:00PM. For more information, or to RSVP, contact
Parole Beyond All Limits - Rebuilding Families, Communities and Individual Lives: Free one day conference presented by the New York State Division of Parole brings together community stake holders, such as policy makers, law enforcement personnel including parole staff, social service staff and concerned members of all communities to discuss a holistic approach to the rebuilding of the lives of families and individuals under community supervision. Primary topics include family reunification, role of the faith-based community and Parole supervision. The conference will be held at Polytechnic Institute of New York University - Pfizer Auditorium on June 8 from 8:30AM to 4:00PM . For more information, contact Vanda Seward at
RE-Tooling RE-Entry: Building a Comprehensive Understanding of Programs and Services for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals and Their Families: This educational forum organized by Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies is designed to enhance the capacity of community-based human services agencies and faith-based organizations to provide comprehensive services to individuals and their families impacted by the criminal justice system. Providers will learn about approaches and specific programs and mitigating certain barriers and challenges that they will encounter . Providers can bring participants who have been formerly incarcerated to learn about additional services as well as share their first-hand knowledge and experiences about their successes and the ongoing challenges that they face. There will be ample opportunity for service providers as well as program participants to network throughout the day in order to learn more about programs and services. The forum will be held at the New York Academy of Medicine on June 10 from 8:30 to 5:30. Click here for the full schedule. Click here to register to the event. For more information, contact Nicole Lavan at or 212-801-1376.
The Bronx Defenders Community Block Party: Save the Date! Join The Bronx Defenders to celebrate our neighborhood on Wednesday, June 30th 2010 at our annual block party. The Bronx Defenders Community Block Party is a fun, safe venue for children and community members to enjoy free food, music and entertainment, play games, participate in arts and crafts, register to vote, compete in a basketball competition, and connect with local community groups and important social service organizations. For more information or if your organization would like to participate, please contact Dawit Getachew at
Remember to visit Reentry Net for full calendar listings and new job opportunities! Click here to subscribe to our Calendar's RSS feed.