You are receiving this newsletter because you are a member of the New York State Reentry Resource Center, a network of more than 2,000 advocates and direct service providers from all around the state. Each month, we bring you resource highlights, news, and policy updates from the online resource center.
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*Resource Highlights*
The American Bar Association Survey on Reentry: This survey published by the American Bar Association's Criminal Justice Section compiles a national list of agencies with reentry programs, including prosecutor offices, public defenders, correctional facilities, and federal initiatives. Each listing includes a description of the program, contact information and responses to the survey. Click here to read the resource.
Charting a New Course: A Blueprint for Transforming Juvenile Justice in New York State: Report by Governor David A. Paterson's Task Force for Transforming Juvenile Justice calls on state officials to reinvest in community-based, rehabilitative, treatment-focused services that can improve outcomes for youth and their families while also ensuring greater public safety. The report also makes 20 recommendations that offer a framework for an effective juvenile justice system. Click here to read the report.
Guide to Rockefeller Drug Law Reform 2009:Guide prepared by Justice Strategies to make the reforms to the Rockefeller Drug Law readily understandable for defense attorneys, sentencing advocates and other alternative-to-incarceration and treatment programs. The guide covers judicial diversion, Willard sentence, Shock eligibility, and conditional sealing. Click here to view the guide.
2010 Connections and the Job Search: Updated guide by New York Public Library contains directory of resources in New York City which can be of help to people after release, and serves as a guide on job hunting. Included are sample resumes, a section on rights for people with criminal records, and suggestions on how to handle the issue when filling out job applications or during job interviews. Click here to read the guide. Click here for the Spanish edition.
Find a Mental Health Program in New York State: This program directory by the Office of Mental Health allows advocates to search for mental health programs by county, program category or subcategory and view program details including program name, address and phone number. Click here to view the tool.
Remember to visit Past Resources of the Week for highlighted reports, toolkits, and training materials from the past year.
*Upcoming Events*
Fight For Our Children: The event will be an opportunity for families and youth to share their experiences, gain support, and to become advocates for system reform. The discussion will focus on getting a publicly run bus for families to travel upstate to juvenile jail facilities, and the promotion of community-based alternative to detention (ATD) programs. This event is only for families of incarcerated youth, young people, friends of these families, and formerly incarcerated people. The event will be held on Friday, January 22 at 6:30.
Prisoners Are People Too! Community Education Meeting: Monthly meetings include documentary films and guest speakers discussing criminal justice and prison issues. The event will be held on January 25 at 6:30 PM. For more information, contact Karima Amin at or 716-834-8438.
Juvenile Reentry in Concept and Practice(Webinar): This webinar presented The National Reentry Resource Center will address key components of juvenile reentry and will include discussion of assessing and classifying risk, needs, and strengths; balancing social control and services; blending sanctions and incentives into a graduated response system designed to promote law abidance and pro-social behavior change; and managing technical violations. The webinar is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), for Second Chance Act grantees, applicants, and the juvenile justice field.The webinar will be held on January 26 at 2:00 PM. Click here to register.
Accessing Affordable Housing: The Rights of Previously Incarcerated Individuals (Webinar): This webinar organized by The National Housing Law Project will provide an overview of the law on admission to federally-assisted housing and highlight ways for advocates to assist the re-entry population. The webinar will be held on January 29 at 1:00 PM. Click here to register for the webinar.
Occasional Series on Reentry Research: The Prisoner Reentry Institute presents it's spring 2010 kick-off event; "Exploring the factors affecting the adoption and implementation of treatment delivery systems in the criminal justice system" led by Faye Taxman, Director of research program in evidence-based corrections and
treatment at George Mason University. Other discussants include Vincent N. Schiraldi, Commissioner of NYC Department of Probation and Michael P. Jacobson, President & Director of Vera Institute of Justice. The event will be held on February 19 at 9:00 AM
Remember to visit Reentry Net for full calendar listings and new job opportunities!