You are receiving this newsletter because you are a member of the New York State Reentry Resource Center, a network of more than 1,000 advocates and direct service providers from all around the state. Each month, we bring you resource highlights, news, and policy updates from the online resource center.
Note: If your Internet browser blocks pop-ups, hold the Ctrl key while you click on individual resources to download them directly. Not displaying properly? Click here to read it on your browser.
Policy Allows Surveillance and Recording
of Telephone Calls from NYC Jails*
new NYC Department of Correction Policy,
effective June 16, 2008, will allow
surveillance and recording of inmate
telephone calls without need for a
warrant. Calls to the
following bodies are excepted from
recording: The
NYC Board of Correction, Inspector
General, other monitoring and
investigative bodies;
treating physicians and clinicians;
and clergy. If
you are an inmate's attorney,
physician/clinician or clergyperson, you
can request that calls from individuals
in DOC custody to the number(s) you
designate will not be recorded. Click
here for instructions from the DOC
policy change is one of the amendments to
the minimum standards for New York City
correctional facilities adopted by the New
York City Board of Correction in November
2007. Click here
to read the published notice of the new
rules; visit
for more information.
Today! Support the Merit Time Bill for
Incarcerated Survivors*
by the Coalition for Women Prisoners,
Merit Time Bill for Incarcerated Survivors
(A.6150-A/S.3164-A) grants merit
time eligibility to domestic violence
survivors who can prove that the abuse
they suffered played a substantial role in
causing them to commit the offense for
which they were convicted. The bill
would allow survivors to earn time off
their sentences and more quickly begin the
important journey of returning to their
communities and children, rebuilding their
lives, and recovering from abuse.
legislative session ends on Monday, June
23. There are just a
few days to convince 4 key Republican
Senators to push this bill to the floor
for a vote. Please
Call Today!
Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno -
(518) 455-3191
Senator Serphin Maltese (from Queens )
(518) 455-3281
Senator Frank Padavan (from Queens ) (518)
Senator Joseph Robach (from Monroe ) (518)
You can call between 9am-5pm and let these
Senators know that you are a New York
State voter who is concerned about the
effects of domestic violence and that you
support the Merit Time Bill.
* Resource
Back to School- A Guide to Continuing
Your Education After Prison: This guide authored by the Prison Reentry
Institute walks you through the process of setting educational goals and getting
organized; enrolling in the education program that best suits your needs; and
receiving assistance to pay for college. It also offers practical advice for each step
of the process to help individuals get started and contains contacts to people and
agencies that can provide you with more information and support. Click
here to read the guide.From Options to Action: A Roadmap for City Leaders to Connect Formerly Incarcerated Individuals to Work:
New report released by Public/Private Ventures
(P/PV) provides an overview of the Mayors Summit on Reentry, which was held in February of this year and was co-sponsored by P/PV, the United States Conference of Mayors, The City of New York, and NYU Wagner.
The publication aims to be a resource for cities and provides guidance in planning their reentry efforts.
here to read the report from.
Life After Lockup- Improving
Reentry from Jail to the Community: A
joint project of the Urban Institute, John
Jay College of Criminal Justice, and the
Montgomery County (Maryland) Department of
Correction and Rehabilitation. This report
provides an overview of U.S. jails and the
people who cycle through them, examines a
variety of ways that jurisdictions can
address reentry from jail, profiles 42 jail
transition efforts around the country,
representing a diversity of approaches in a
variety of settings and explores the role of
probation in reentry from jail. Click
here to read the report.
Remember to visit Past Resources of the Week for highlighted reports, toolkits, and training materials from the past year.
*Upcoming Events & Opportunities*
Before and After the Bars:
Delta Sigma Theta New York Alumnae
Chapter and Assemblyman Keith Wright , will
host panelists from The
College Initiative, The Isaiah Project,
100 Blacks in Law Enforcement,
Greenhope Services for Women
on the issue of incarceration and the
reentry process. The event
is schedule for Thursday, June 19 at the
Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Harlem State
Office Building and is
free and open to the public.
Reel Reentry Film Series Launch
Screening: The
Prisoner Reentry Institute at John Jay College of Criminal
Justice is pleased to announce the launch of our new Reel Reentry film
series that will build off the success we have had with our monthly
Occasional Series on Reentry Research. Reel Reentry will provide opportunities for members of the field to
gather and discuss important documentaries and feature films that
address reentry issues. Our launch event will take place on Tuesday, June 24 from 5:00- 7:30 PM with a screening of
Sherrybaby. The
Defenders Community Block Party: DonÂ’t forget to save July 2nd for Bronx DefendersÂ’ Annual Community Block Party. The community is coming together for music, games, a basketball tournament, advocacy and service organizations,
and performances. It promises to be a great event, so make sure to clear your schedule and join us for the dunk tank, burgers and coquitos and prizes. For more information or if your organization want to table, please contact Dawit Getachew or Louise Pocock at 718-838-7878 ASAP. Please feel free to download and distribute attached flyer!
Remember to
visit Reentry Net for full calendar
listings and new job opportunities! |