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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

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The Bronx Defender's Community Block Party

Wednesday July 08

  • By: The Bronx Defenders
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    The Bronx, NY

The Community Block Party is a fun, safe venue for children, community members, and our clients to enjoy free food, music and entertainment, play games, participate in arts and crafts, register to vote, compete in dance and basketball competitions, and connect with local community groups and important social service organizations. This year, we will have performances by local groups, raffle prizes, a DJ, face-painting, a pony-ride, carnival games and treats, and a moon bounce. We will provide information on our services for community members, and our partnering local community service groups will be providing medical advice and information, voter registration, immigration help, affordable housing info, and much more.

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