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Reentry Resource Center - New York

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Problems with Policing and Proposals for Reform

Thursday February 16

This public forum organized by the Police Reform Organizing Project will bring professors, policy makers, press, and eventually you the audience together for a conversation about current abusive police practices and how all of us agitating together can address and correct them.

The lineup for the evening includes:

Dolores Jones-Brown and Eli Silverman, John Jay College
Harry Levine, Queens College
John Eterno, Molloy College

State Assembly Member Jeff Aubry of Corona, Corrections Committee Chair
City Council Members Danny Dromm of Jackson Heights,
Letitia James of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Rosie Mendez of the Lower East Side,
and Jumaane Williams of the 45th District

Andy Humm of the Gotham Gazette and Gay City News
and Liliana Segura of The Nation

Robert Gangi, Director of the Police Reform Organizing Project

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