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Reentry Resource Center - New York

Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

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NYC Jail Advocacy Planning Meeting

Monday January 30

  • By: Association Pro Inmates Rights Netas, The Bronx Defenders, Legal Aid Society
  • Location:
    The Bronx Defenders
    860 Courtlandt Avenue
    Bronx, NY
  • Contact:
    The Bronx Defenders
What is happening at the jails on Rikers Island and other city jails?
  • 23-Hour Confinement in "The Box"
  • Inadequate Mental Health Treatment
  • Brutality
  • Mistreatment
Are you concerned about the NYC jails? Do you have ideas about how to organize to stop the abuse and trauma?
Let's get together to talk about it, organize around it, and change it!

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