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Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration

Reentry Net, a project of The Bronx Defenders and Pro Bono Net, is a collaborative education and resource center for individuals and organizations in New York State that advocate for people with criminal records and their families - collectively, the Reentry Community. Reentry Net also hosts a growing National Reentry Research clearinghouse that includes academic research, evaluations of programs and initiatives, and policy reports on the full range of issues that affect the reentry community.

Reentry Net / NY is the first ever statewide clearinghouse of practical advocate materials on the civil consequences of criminal proceedings. Reentry Net / NY contains materials from dozens of contributing organizations throughout New York State. All resources have been screened, selected, and organized by experts.

Reentry Net is supported by staff based at the Bronx Defenders and by a Steering Committee representing the project's main stakeholders from around New York State.

As a project, Reentry Net is committed to limiting and removing barriers that people face as a result of criminal proceedings. Therefore, in Reentry Net materials, we refrain from using pejorative language that itself can serve as a barrier to successful reentry. We avoid labels such as "offender," "ex-offender" and "ex-felon" and instead talk about "formerly incarcerated people," "people with criminal records," but above all, people. We encourage all users and contributors of materials to the site to do the same.